IE error occur when dynamic pop-up menu and a custom made table be used..


May 17, 2004
Hong Kong
Dear all, I am now working on a web application which contain a pop-up menu as headbar and a "dynamic content table" as content.

The headbar is in fact a user control. It contain a skmmenu (which is downloaded from and several button control and dropdownlist control.

The "dynamic content table" is in fact a htmltable control. It is created out based on the data of a dataview. By making some process from users (like selecting on checkbox and button click), the dataview will be modified hence the table will be reconstructure dynamicly. The process is:
1. Generate a htmltable from dataview
2. User modify
3. By a handler of button click, dataview was modified. Then a Table.Rows.Clear() will be called.
4. Repeat step 1.

The web application runs smooth when 2 parts are seperated. It runs ok when both occur in the same webform too. However, once 1-3 change is made on "dynamic content table", then move the mouse on the skmmenu, IE error occur....

After some tests, I found that error mostly occur in "mshtml.dll", which is told by the IE error catalog. And also, ntdll.dll is common too. Something else (by the way, they are all dll files) will also be the reason.

When come to IE error, it is completely out of my scope of knowledge. Please give me some idea. How to solve it out? If I must kill either "skmmenu" or "dynamic content table", which one should I kill is better in order to prevent same problem occur again? Thank you very much!
I have tried to replace the skmmenu with the menu from and the pop-up menu behaviour in Dreamweaver. However, they are not suitable since both of the pop-up menu script will become disappear (or unactive) after every postback.

Do anyone have idea except skmmenu, any good component can overcome this problem? Thank you for your share.
skmMenu and SmartNavigation Don't work together

Make sure you do not have this property in your page directive or your web.config


Many web sites have stated there are many problems with SmartNavigation and javascript generated Menu controls.