Ideas Wanted


Junior Contributor
Oct 24, 2004
Detroit, MI
I have a good handfull of apps that I created spread out all over the place that I would like to monitor incase someone has closed them. Most of my created apps are data splitters or file maintence. So there is nothing malicious going on here. I work with a few people who like to close everything.

At first I was thinking about adding a tcp port to all my apps and then having the monitor app connect to them but that would mean I'd have to rebuild the monitor app everytime I added a new application. I could loop through an IP range and look for the apps that way. Or I could have my apps send a udp packet to a IP address that is running the monitor program.

Any Thoughts?



I'm also looking for more information on building an app with command line switches. Ideally the main app would Shell another app with command line switches for a restart of the main app.
Maybe take a look at publish subscribe patterns/middlewares? DDS might be overkill but would definitely do the trick. DDS was created for scenarios similar to this one.