Idea/advice needed: displaying 160 text fields


Mar 8, 2004
We have a table with 160 columns...all of that needs to be displayed on a webpage for users to view and update...

Any advice on how to go about doing this? use datagrid, use individual text boxes..etc...

Thanks for any input..
You really need all 160 columns in the table? I'd rule a datagrid out for starters - displaying multiple rows of 160 columns is going to create one hugh html page....
Unfortunately, I can NOT change the table...This a vendor provided database with a vendor provided application that points to it... we dont have the source code for the application..

I'm developing the ASP.Net as an alternative to the vendor provided desktop application...but still, we cannt change the table because both my ASP.Net app and Vendor app have to work with the database...

so..hmm..maybe panels to organize the columns to be displayed into more organized sections...

:confused: hmmm...

any ideas?? and yes, this vendor app sucks beyond belief...
Since you can't change the structure of databases, then, I think you could change the structure of displaying.

Now, group the fields according to categories/types/whatever. scope it down as much as possible.

once a row is selected, display a particular data based on group.

for example:

ID Number is selected.
first group is displaying biodata,
second group is displaying income information,
third group is displaying medical information.

Grouping can be based on pages(different .aspx).
for example:

Hope that this could help.
Not sure exactly what your trying to do but I have developed a web form before with over 100 textboxes on it.

I just created the textboxes on the fly, positioned them and then databound them. It was easier that way than creating 100 textboxes.

It was a slightly different problem than yours though as my textboxes increase and are now upto about 200!!! :eek:
Thanks for your ideas....

Tony- my table is gonna grow too with more columns added as per user's request...

created the textboxes on the fly ... can u give me more detail in this?
on the .aspx page:

<asp:placeholder id="thisPlace" runat="server"/>

in code (and please keep in mind this is absolute bare bones):

Dim strSQL as String = "SELECT * FROM table" 'Uggg, better to write all the column names out
Dim objConn As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim objComm As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim ThisReader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader
objConn = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(GetConnectString())
objComm = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("sql", objConn)
ThisReader = objComm.ExecuteReader()
If ThisReader.HasRows() Then
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To (ThisReader.FieldCount - 1)
Dim txtNew As New TextBox
txtNew.ID = ThisReader.GetName(i)
txtNew.Text = ThisReader.Item(i)
End If