

Sep 14, 2005
well, this topic maybe an old one but i guess i could ask it once more. my application creates files of a new extension name, i've created an icon for the file (of that extension name), but i don't know how to associate that. plus i also have an icon for the application itself, but i don't know how to associate that as well (like that of what you see on your desktop).

For the application.
> Properties 'down at the bottom
> Common Properties
> Build

And in the Build page there is the Application Icon. At that point it is set for Default Icon.

For a file. Are you talking like a Excel file or something like that? Usually when you see, say it is an excel file for example. The computer itself recognizes the file as an excel file, and the icon for excel will be placed to that file. Just like if you have a jpg file. What ever program the user uses on their program, the icon for that program is placed.
In the upper right hand corner of the IDE, in the Solution Explorer, Right click on your project's name and chose Properties. On the left hand side of the Properties screen click on Build. From there you can set your programs Icon.

edited: you just beat me to it Techmandb!!
my application creates files of a new extension name
I think that this is a question pertaining to icons for file associations. If that is the case, I don't know the answer. You might want to check in the registry. I believe that file association information goes under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
techmanbd said:
For the application.
For a file. Are you talking like a Excel file or something like that? Usually when you see, say it is an excel file for example. The computer itself recognizes the file as an excel file, and the icon for excel will be placed to that file. Just like if you have a jpg file. What ever program the user uses on their program, the icon for that program is placed.

well, excel files are recognized by the computer because the computer obviously has an excel program installed in it, and the application has a set icon for the files. if the computer doesn't have one, the excel file is supposed to look like one of those files you see with a weird icon.

for example, my program creates (saves) files under .jeb extension name. obviously, the computer won't be able to recognize it so it shows an the icon for unkown files. but if i have my icon specifically for my app's files, how can i put the code so that whenever a file under that extension is created, the icon that i used will be shown and not the weird looking icon?
I personally use a third party setup and installation program that registers my program's extensions and icons. But, doesn't the VS MSI deployment program also accomplish this for you.