I see only a blue window


Jan 21, 2004
I see only a blue window (Sorry I can't delete this thread)

Hello, I has tries a C++ Tutorial in VB.Net to rewrite, but I see only a blue window.

Can someone say to me, what wrong I make?

In the attachment is the original cpp-file of the sample and the complete VB.Net project.

Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports Microsoft.DirectX
Imports Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D

Namespace Direct3DTest2
    Public Class MyGraphicsSample
        Inherits GraphicsSample 'Alles von Class GraphicsSample erben

        Public AnzahlObjekte As Integer = 2048
        Public vbObjekte As VertexBuffer
        Public ibObjekte As IndexBuffer
        Public vCameraPos As Vector3 = New Vector3(0, 0, 0)
        Public CameraWinkel As Single = 0
        Public Sichtfeld As Single = Math.PI / 4

        Public Sub New()
        End Sub 'New

        Protected Overrides Sub FrameMove()

        End Sub 'FrameMove

        Public Sub RenderScene()
            Device.Transform.View = Matrix.LookAtLH(vCameraPos, New Vector3(vCameraPos.X + Math.Sin(CameraWinkel), vCameraPos.Y, vCameraPos.Z + Math.Cos(CameraWinkel)), New Vector3(0, 1, 0))
            Me.Text = vCameraPos.X & "x" & vCameraPos.Y & "x" & vCameraPos.Z & "Winkel:" & 360 * CameraWinkel / Math.PI
            Dim Aspect As Single
            Aspect = Device.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth / Device.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight
            Device.Transform.Projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(CameraWinkel, Aspect, 0.1, 250)
            Device.Transform.World = Matrix.Identity

            Device.SetStreamSource(0, vbObjekte, 0)
            Device.Indices = ibObjekte
            Device.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, AnzahlObjekte * 8, 0, AnzahlObjekte * 12)
        End Sub 'RenderScene

        Protected Overrides Sub Render()
            Device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target Or ClearFlags.ZBuffer, Drawing.Color.Blue.ToArgb, 1, 0)
        End Sub 'Render

        Protected Overrides Sub InitializeDeviceObjects()
                Device.VertexFormat = VertexFormats.Position Or VertexFormats.Diffuse Or VertexFormats.Texture1

                Device.RenderState.Lighting = False
                Device.RenderState.CullMode = Cull.None
                Device.RenderState.DitherEnable = True

                Device.SamplerState(0).MinFilter = TextureFilter.Linear
                Device.SamplerState(0).MagFilter = TextureFilter.Linear
                Device.SamplerState(0).MipFilter = TextureFilter.Linear

                Dim tmpTextur As Texture
                tmpTextur = TextureLoader.FromFile(Device, "Texture.bmp", 256, 256, 1, 0, Format.Unknown, Pool.Managed, Filter.None, Filter.Linear, 0)
                Device.SetTexture(0, tmpTextur)

                vbObjekte = New VertexBuffer(GetType(CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured), AnzahlObjekte * 8, Device, 0, CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured.Format, Pool.Managed)
                ibObjekte = New IndexBuffer(GetType(Short), AnzahlObjekte * 36, Device, 0, Pool.Managed)

                Dim Verts() As CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured
                Dim Indices() As Short

                Verts = DirectCast(vbObjekte.Lock(0, LockFlags.NoSystemLock), CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured())
                Indices = DirectCast(ibObjekte.Lock(0, LockFlags.NoSystemLock), Short())

                Dim n, m As Integer
                Dim tmpPos As New Vector3
                Dim StartVertex, StartIndex As Integer
                For n = 0 To AnzahlObjekte - 1
                    tmpPos.X = 250 * Rnd() + 20
                    tmpPos.Y = 250 * Rnd() + 20
                    tmpPos.Z = 250 * Rnd() + 20

                    StartVertex = n * 8
                    StartIndex = n * 36

                    Verts(StartVertex + 0) = New CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured(tmpPos.X + -1, tmpPos.Y + 1, tmpPos.Z + -1, 0, Rnd, Rnd)
                    Verts(StartVertex + 1) = New CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured(tmpPos.X + -1, tmpPos.Y + 1, tmpPos.Z + 1, 0, Rnd, Rnd)
                    Verts(StartVertex + 2) = New CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured(tmpPos.X + 1, tmpPos.Y + 1, tmpPos.Z + 1, 0, Rnd, Rnd)
                    Verts(StartVertex + 3) = New CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured(tmpPos.X + 1, tmpPos.Y + 1, tmpPos.Z + -1, 0, Rnd, Rnd)
                    Verts(StartVertex + 4) = New CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured(tmpPos.X + -1, tmpPos.Y + -1, tmpPos.Z + -1, 0, Rnd, Rnd)
                    Verts(StartVertex + 5) = New CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured(tmpPos.X + -1, tmpPos.Y + -1, tmpPos.Z + 1, 0, Rnd, Rnd)
                    Verts(StartVertex + 6) = New CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured(tmpPos.X + 1, tmpPos.Y + -1, tmpPos.Z + 1, 0, Rnd, Rnd)
                    Verts(StartVertex + 7) = New CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured(tmpPos.X + 1, tmpPos.Y + -1, tmpPos.Z + -1, 0, Rnd, Rnd)

                    Indices(StartIndex + 0) = 0 : Indices(StartIndex + 1) = 3 : Indices(StartIndex + 2) = 7
                    Indices(StartIndex + 3) = 0 : Indices(StartIndex + 4) = 7 : Indices(StartIndex + 5) = 4
                    Indices(StartIndex + 6) = 2 : Indices(StartIndex + 7) = 5 : Indices(StartIndex + 8) = 1
                    Indices(StartIndex + 9) = 2 : Indices(StartIndex + 10) = 5 : Indices(StartIndex + 11) = 6
                    Indices(StartIndex + 12) = 1 : Indices(StartIndex + 13) = 0 : Indices(StartIndex + 14) = 4
                    Indices(StartIndex + 15) = 1 : Indices(StartIndex + 16) = 4 : Indices(StartIndex + 17) = 5
                    Indices(StartIndex + 18) = 3 : Indices(StartIndex + 19) = 2 : Indices(StartIndex + 20) = 6
                    Indices(StartIndex + 21) = 3 : Indices(StartIndex + 22) = 6 : Indices(StartIndex + 23) = 7
                    Indices(StartIndex + 24) = 0 : Indices(StartIndex + 25) = 1 : Indices(StartIndex + 26) = 2
                    Indices(StartIndex + 27) = 0 : Indices(StartIndex + 28) = 2 : Indices(StartIndex + 29) = 3
                    Indices(StartIndex + 30) = 6 : Indices(StartIndex + 31) = 5 : Indices(StartIndex + 32) = 4
                    Indices(StartIndex + 33) = 6 : Indices(StartIndex + 34) = 4 : Indices(StartIndex + 35) = 7

                Next n


                Dim e As New MediaNotFoundException
                HandleSampleException(e, ApplicationMessage.ApplicationMustExit)
                Throw e
            End Try
        End Sub 'InitializeDeviceObjects

        Protected Overrides Sub RestoreDeviceObjects(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        End Sub 'RestoreDeviceObjects

        Shared Sub Main()
            Dim d3dApp As New MyGraphicsSample

            If d3dApp.CreateGraphicsSample() Then
            End If
        End Sub 'Main

        Private Sub MyGraphicsSample_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown
            Select Case e.KeyCode
                Case Keys.Left
                    CameraWinkel -= elapsedtime * Math.PI / 8
                Case Keys.Right
                    CameraWinkel += elapsedtime * Math.PI / 8
                Case Keys.Up
                    vCameraPos.X += Math.Sin(CameraWinkel) * 5 * elapsedtime
                    vCameraPos.Z += Math.Cos(CameraWinkel) * 5 * elapsedtime
                Case Keys.Down
                    vCameraPos.X -= Math.Sin(CameraWinkel) * 5 * elapsedtime
                    vCameraPos.Z -= Math.Cos(CameraWinkel) * 5 * elapsedtime
                Case Keys.PageDown
                    Sichtfeld += Math.PI * 10 / 360 * elapsedtime
                Case Keys.PageUp
                    Sichtfeld -= Math.PI * 10 / 360 * elapsedtime
            End Select
            If Sichtfeld <= 0 Then Sichtfeld = Math.PI * 0.1 / 360
            If Sichtfeld >= Math.PI / 2 Then Sichtfeld = Math.PI * 179.9 / 360
        End Sub
    End Class 'MyGraphicsSample
End Namespace 'Direct3DTest2
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