I miss VB6

paul addison

Jan 29, 2003
Plymouth, UK
Does anybody else feel like a complete novice with VB.NET after years of VB6 experience? Does it get better?
What used to take minutes is now taking days. Hmmpff. :D not!
It does get better - especially when you do something in VB.Net that was nigh-on impossible in VB6, like multi-threading or directly accessing the control or form's message queue etc. etc.
Merrion said:
It does get better - especially when you do something in VB.Net that was nigh-on impossible in VB6, like multi-threading or directly accessing the control or form's message queue etc. etc.
Neither one of those things were even close to impossibe. :D

Also, I do agree that for the first day or two I felt like a novice,
but I caught on after a day or two, and now I'm pretty competant
in general. Things that took minutes in VB6 take minutes in VB.NET,
and things that take hours in VB6 take minutes in VB.NET as well. :p

The key is classes. For example, if you need to do something which
can take many lines of code, you create a helper class to store it
in, and perhaps duplicate the old VB6 way.
I too felt like a novice the first few days, but that soon passed.
I now dred coding in VB6, it really does not appeal to me any more.
Ditto, but I soon picked up on VB .NET and love it. I hate having to go back using VB6/VBA.
I appreciate it can do alot more but there are so many changes that progress is slow. Also .NET seems to do alot of things in the background which are making the PC sluggish to work on.
paul, I find that too but accept it as the price to pay for a good development environment. My fears were laid to rest once I compiled the application into release mode and installed it on another machine and it worked a treat.
The IDE is much slower than previous. Same was true for VB4 when it came out - compared to VB3 it was a DOG!

I used to run a PIII 700 with 256meg RAM for VS 2002 (1.0) and some large apps took awhile to load (lots of DLLs, lots of webservice calls, lots of validation, etc. etc. etc.). Some performance testing fixed some programming problems, the rest were all gone when we went to Release mode.

Before jumping to any conclusions, compile your app in Release mode and try it out on a typical end-user machine to see what they'll experience. The Debug mode inside of Visual Studio is a great tool for debugging, not so good for performance.

Are there big diffirences in VS.NET and VS 6?

My mate works already 2 years in VB 6 and he don't want to take the .NET version.

He finds 2 gigs minimum to much for such an environment. :p

I find that too, but VB.NET is suck a good language that I can't be angry against M$.


Your friend will only be able to hold out so long, then he'll have to move on. MS don't give people like us much of a choice in the matter :)
Moving to VB.Net has been one of the best things I've done of late. I hate having to go back to apps I've written in VB, VBA etc. I think VB.Net is a dream to program in.