My windows service is capable of connecting to a third party service provider, www.clickatell.com in this case. I am using the third party to send out a number of sms text messages in the event that another service goes down or fails to reply within a specific timeframe. I am using a List<string> to store the list of number that I am sending to, and passing my message as a string.
The problem that I am having is that when I go to send the last message, I get a timeout exception. I have tried to get the service to sleep for 15 seconds before sending each message, but this has had no effect.
Here is the code that I am using:
My windows service is capable of connecting to a third party service provider, www.clickatell.com in this case. I am using the third party to send out a number of sms text messages in the event that another service goes down or fails to reply within a specific timeframe. I am using a List<string> to store the list of number that I am sending to, and passing my message as a string.
The problem that I am having is that when I go to send the last message, I get a timeout exception. I have tried to get the service to sleep for 15 seconds before sending each message, but this has had no effect.
Here is the code that I am using:
//Queue the message to the EMS personnel, and send it.
private static void QueueEMSMessages(ClubtextMonitor.Modules.MonitorConnect myConnection, String sysMessage)
//Get the person who is to receive the message.
List<string> msgDestination = myConnection.GetTechSupport();
//Create the message and send it to the support person.
foreach (string ems in msgDestination)
ClubtextMonitor.Modules.Message errMessage = new ClubtextMonitor.Modules.Message(sysMessage, ems);
//Wait for 15 seconds before sending the message
catch (Exception ex)
//Allow the client to send the message for the user.
public bool sendMessage()
//Parameter for storing the send message credentails
string[] credentials;
//Get the credentials necessary for sending the message.
ClubtextMonitor.Modules.MonitorConnect connection = new ClubtextMonitor.Modules.MonitorConnect();
credentials = connection.GetCredentials();
bool outputValue = false;
//Ensure that the correct number of credentials have been supplied.
if (3 == credentials.Length)
outputValue = true;
WebRequest objRequest;
//The web request to be sent to the message gateway.
string msgRequest;
msgRequest = "http://api.clickatell.com/http/sendmsg?user=" + credentials[1].ToString() +
"&password=" + credentials[2].ToString() + "&api_id=" +
credentials[0].ToString() +"&to=" + msgDestination
+ "&text=" + msgText;
//Send the message to the individual on tech. support.
objRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(msgRequest);
outputValue = false;
return outputValue;