how to write a file download counter


Jun 24, 2003
I have a new project to build an asp site. This site will have files that can be downloaded.

Can anyone help me on writing a download counter.
davidrobin said:
I have a new project to build an asp site. This site will have files that can be downloaded.

Can anyone help me on writing a download counter.
Is there anyone who has managed this yet as i still need to do this.
Why not make a table in a database, with the several fields. One for the server path to the downloadable file, a unique ID, and a counter for the number of times downloaded.

Then when you display the information make an href to the server file path and then add one to the counter.


Make a download page where you pass it the unique ID and it generates the correct button to download, etc and adds to the download counter when it's been posted back to.