How to use OWC PivotTable?


Oct 15, 2004
Hello all,

I am totally lost trying to use the PivotTable office web component. I want to connect this to my database, but I can't figure out how this is done. I have read a bunch of articles, but all of them focus on OLAP which is way beyond my comprehension -- All I want to do is to connect the pivot table to a database through ODBC, much like you do in Excel - specify the query, the ODBC DSN, and you're done. Is this possible? In this article ( there is a figure that shows "pathway 3" as SQL Server -> DAO -> XML Web Service -> OWC Pivot Table, but it doesn't talk about pathway 3 in the article. I am not very familiar with XML Web Services, but it's probably something I could figure out -- does anyone have any pointers on how to get this accomplished? Any example projects, anything?

Thanks for any help!

EDIT: Agh - I misunderstood the article I linked -- anyhow, is there any way to do this without OLAP?