how to start making the calendar script


Mar 18, 2005
I have a situation and i don't know how to start to solve it the best way possible. I have to make an ASP VB.Net web application with an complex calendar

I have a database where events are entered (for example: meeting on 18/3/2005 from 8:00 till 10:00) and i have to display an overview of it by day. So if i ask a calendar for 18/3 i should see an overview of the complete day hour by hour. The hours that are busy should be show in a different color (a little like the outlook calendar or look at the screens i made from how i want it to look The free hours should be clickable so you can go to a page te directly book for the clicked hour, and the events in the calender should be clikcable to view the details.

After i made it for one day i would make it for a week and a month. but i really don't know where to start? since almost everything has to be clickable i think it will be very complex but maybe somebody has a great idea of how to approach it.... any suggestions are welcome
