How to send an email from code in Vista?


Sep 16, 2005
Hi, I'm really not sure whether this is a complete newbie question, or whether I'm a little in the dark on how to send an email in the first place!

What I'd like to know is - how do you send an email from code (c#) in Vista? I've tried using the System.Net.Mail namespace and the SmtpClient to send one, but it keeps failing. Would the cause of this be that IIS does not come with an SMTP server in Vista?
Hi, I'm really not sure whether this is a complete newbie question, or whether I'm a little in the dark on how to send an email in the first place!

What I'd like to know is - how do you send an email from code (c#) in Vista? I've tried using the System.Net.Mail namespace and the SmtpClient to send one, but it keeps failing. Would the cause of this be that IIS does not come with an SMTP server in Vista?

This is actually more of an IT issue than a Developer issue.

You would need to set up your server to act as an actual SMTP server before you would ever be able to send anything out. System.Net.Mail and System.Web.Mail work fine to send e-mail out. In fact, I use these namespaces all of the time when I develop websites.

Those will give you all of the info you need on the issue. I would, however, consult a Microsoft form on setting up yourself to be an SMTP server before anything else. I won't say it's impossible to send an e-mail without being a registered SMTP server, but I will say that if it's possible, it won't be easy.

But again, just do some research on the IT side and I'm sure you'll have no problem implementing this into your applications, no matter if you're using Vista, XP or even Server 2003 or 2000

Hope this helps!
