How to remove system menu for MDI child form??


May 26, 2005
I have an MDI child form. When the user uses the arrow keys to go between main menu items they can get to both the child forms system menu (see attachment) and the parent forms system menu. How do I delete/remove the child forms system menu? Thanks so much for any help. I've looked everywhere but can't seem to find anything.


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I can give you one pointer as to what you need to be looking into / thinking about : Windows API. You can listen for the menu being clicked by overriding the WndProc sub-procedure, and try to handle the click event to stop the menu being shown.

The function below :

Visual Basic:
Private Declare Function GetSystemMenu Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal bRevert As Boolean) As Integer

will return you the system menu reference, pass it the handle of the form you are using. From there i dont quite know off hand. Maybe someone else knows?

But this should at least put you in the right direction