how to pst a page on click event of a link?


Aug 27, 2003

In Classic ASP: On Click events of links I used to call a javascript function and in the javascript function, I used to post the page to an appropriated page depending on the link.

Is there a way I can do that in, I dont want to send values in querystring as i do now.

and is there a way to post a page from code behind.
yes i am using linkbutton and response.redirect, but you will be seeing the the values in the querystring (i mean in the URL). I load usercontols depending on the tabid and index which are passed by response.redirect (for now), by doing this the user can key in the url and see the managers pages. I check credentials but once he logons on and thentype the url he is in. I found a round about by checking at every page whether he is having access to that page or not. I dont know why i dont like response.redirect and user seeing the values in the url after question mark. may be i am wrong but ....
try server.transfer, or you still could use yur javascript to submit a form with hidden values to the new page. or encrypt the values in querystring so one mistyped value would result in an error.