How to open an FTP connection and transfer a file [C#]


Junior Contributor
Aug 11, 2003
I need my C# code to be able to connect to an FTP (IP=, USER=ADMIN, PASS=TOTAL) and download a file ( stored in "\Stores\Details\" from the FTP Account HOME directory.
I need to save/copy the downloaded file to a specific location (C:\Temp\).

Problem - I have no clue how to open an FTP connection and perform an FTP file transfer in C#... currently I do everything directly (using \\MachineName\ and basic copy commands) but I am loosing that access and being forced to go through an FTP account.
Any help/hints would be greatly appreciated ... I hope this is a really simple/easy task...
Ftp is insanely simple.

Are you looking to use your own client..or go through the windows ftp app?

If you want to use the windows app, simply create a new process and send commands.

Here's a sample function...

Visual Basic:
        Dim myproc As New System.Diagnostics.Process

        'You probably either want to make this an absolute path or set the directory
        myproc.StartInfo.FileName = "ftp"

        myproc.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
        myproc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
        myproc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
        myproc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = True
        ' myproc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
        ' myproc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = True

        ' allow the process to raise events
        myproc.EnableRaisingEvents = True

        ' add an Exited event handler
        AddHandler myproc.Exited, AddressOf Me.ProcessExited

        Dim errorOutput As IO.StreamReader

            ftpWriter = myproc.StandardInput
            'ftpReader = myproc.StandardOutput()
            ' errorOutput = myproc.StandardError()
        Catch ex As Exception      'You should catch a more specific exception
        End Try

        If Not (ftpWriter Is Nothing) Then
            ''Save starting time
        'Send ftp commands
                ftpWriter.WriteLine("open " + obj.ToString())
                ftpWriter.WriteLine("prompt n")
                ftpWriter.WriteLine("lcd " + Me.outputDir)
                ftpWriter.WriteLine("cd s:")
                ftpWriter.WriteLine("mget *.dvr")
                ftpWriter.WriteLine("mdelete *.dvr")
                count = count + 1

                'update progress bar every 10 seconds
                If updateTime.AddSeconds(10) < DateTime.Now Then
                    updateTime = DateTime.Now
                End If

            ftpWriter.Write("quit" + Chr(13))
        End If

Create a ftp client is also an option and is actually not that big of a project.
Sounds great but that is a new Process (thread)...
One thing I am wondering about, if my program launches this ftp process which needs to transfer a 100meg which should take around 2 minutes - I need to ensure my program waits for the FTP process to terminate.

Meaning, I can't have my program launch the ftp process/thread and then just simply move on because the next line of code is trying to open the file I just copied over via FTP...
Sure, that's what this line

Visual Basic:
  ' add an Exited event handler
        AddHandler myproc.Exited, AddressOf Me.ProcessExited


It fires an event after the process has exited.

Handle the event any way you want...

Visual Basic:
  Private Sub ProcessExited(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        Dim myProcess As Process = CType(sender, Process)

        'ftp finished, do something else
        End Sub

And I guess I should explain the other events.

This code:

Visual Basic:
                'update progress bar every 10 seconds
                If updateTime.AddSeconds(10) < DateTime.Now Then
                     Me.UpdateData(startTime, totalFiles, filesCompleted)                    
                     updateTime = DateTime.Now
                End If

can be used to update the front end.

You could calculate the time remaining and then raise an event on the front such:

Visual Basic:
    Private Sub UpdateData(ByVal startTime As DateTime, ByVal total As Integer, ByVal completed As Integer)
        'take the elapsed time divided by completed records times total - completed
        Dim elapsed As TimeSpan = DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime)
        Dim averageTime As Single = CType(elapsed.TotalSeconds, Single) / completed
        Dim timeLeft As Single = averageTime * (total - completed)
        Dim minutesLeft As Integer = CType(timeLeft / 60, Integer)
        Dim secondsLeft As Integer = CType(timeLeft Mod 60, Integer)

        If minutesLeft = 0 And secondsLeft = 0 Then
            lprogressText = "Calculating Time..."
            lprogressText = "Time Remaining: " + minutesLeft.ToString() + " minutes " + secondsLeft.ToString() + " seconds"
        End If

        RaiseEvent ProgressChanged(lprogressText, Nothing)
    End Sub

and you could handle the ProgressChanged event on the front end in a manner like so:

Visual Basic:
  Private Sub UpdateThreadData(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

 Dim graphics As Drawing.Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics()
 graphics.FillRectangle(Drawing.SystemBrushes.Control, 32, 16, 250, 15)

        If NOT(sender Is Nothing) Then
            'Update Progress Text 
            graphics.DrawString(sender.ToString(), New Drawing.Font(Drawing.FontFamily.GenericSerif, 10), Drawing.Brushes.Black, 32, 16)
        End If

    End Sub

One major problem with using a process is that it's hard to handle errors. Or at least I haven't found an easy way. If you had your own client, you could have a more robust error handling system.