How to open a form in another user's project folder


Sep 6, 2006
We have a time submittal form that we are working on. He created the initial form and emailed me a copy of the project. For some reason the actual form file is missing or incomplete. The *.vb file is there, but it doesn't have the form icon and the form designer view isn't available. When I look at it on his computer, the frm.vb file has a shortcut icon on it, as though it reverences another location. But there isn't any thing at that physical location. Does anyone know why this may be and how I might look for the actual referenced file. I could recreate it but I'd prefer not to reinvent the wheel.

Thank you in advance.

We have a time submittal form that we are working on. He created the initial form and emailed me a copy of the project. For some reason the actual form file is missing or incomplete. The *.vb file is there, but it doesn't have the form icon and the form designer view isn't available. When I look at it on his computer, the frm.vb file has a shortcut icon on it, as though it reverences another location. But there isn't any thing at that physical location. Does anyone know why this may be and how I might look for the actual referenced file. I could recreate it but I'd prefer not to reinvent the wheel.

Thank you in advance.


The basic files that define a form are:


Just make sure they're all there.

Also check your obj folder to make sure that everything is in there, though that shouldn't actually have anything to do with it.. but it couldn't hurt.

If not, you can always have him send them over, one at a time and just import *.vb into your project, making sure to put the other files in there.

Hope this helps!
