How to make Auto Updating App


Oct 25, 2003
I have a application that want to add a "auto updateing" feature too. Basiccly the app will contact a service running on a remote machine, service tells the app what the latest version is, app "magically" updates it self.

Can someone please point me in the right direction on how to accomplish this? I know about remoting, sockets, etc... just not sure how to use them all the have a update feature.. thanks.
sweet.. looks pretty cool.. Are there are solutions for apps that are alwasy running? This one relies on updateing the next time the app is laucnhed but my app lives in the systray and is designed to run 24x7
You would probably have to check based on a timer - if there is a newer version then start the update process and exit, let the update complete and force the app to restart.
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