How to make a Web design template without VS.NET?


May 17, 2004
Hong Kong
Hi everyone, I am now working on a ASP.NET project. I want to add a header and footer on every page. The header contain a pop up menu and the footer have a company logo on it.

I have searched through the web I found some tutorial teaching how to create web template with ascx and VS.NEt. However, without experience of VS.NET (and I don't have it) but only Dreamweaver, I don't know how to make it. So I am now using the method { Server.execute("header.aspx") } to let my header.aspx and footed.aspx come into everypage's Page_Load & Page_UnLoad.

However, with this method, every page generated have 3 pair of <head></head>, <html></html> and <script runat="server"></script>. Also , the pop-up menu do not work after post-back. (It is created using Dreamweaver's behavour. It worked out by some Javascript Programs)

Without VS.NET, I think I have missed some thing I should know. Please give me some idea. thank you.