How to Make a exe file using visual 2003


Dec 2, 2003
Can some one of you help me how to make an exe in so that i can package all my libraries and .vb files and make a single .exe with I would like to make the exe file and install that exe on the end user's machine who doesn't have .net framework installed.

Your help in this is greatly appreciated.

Just compile your solution, you can find the option on the Build Menu -> Build Solution.
Everything will be compiled inside a folder named "BIN"
I hope this helps
Don't forget that you have to make sure the .NET framework is already installed in the target pc!
.net application needs to run on target pc without .net framework being installed

Thanks for your reply. As you said, is it mandatory to have .net framework installed on the target PC. But my situation needs that the target PC doesn't have .net framework installed.
So what is other way for me to have my .net exe application run on target PC without .net framework installed on the target PC.

I would like my application run just like the regular vb6.0 project.
which runs on any pc once i create a vb project package.

Thanks in advance
Well, actually VB6 apps need the VB runtime installed on the target computer, but sometimes other apps install it so u don't need to reinstall it again, in the case of .NET apps is the same, u need to have the Framework installed, without the framework your app will never run.

What u can do is create a setup and redistribute the framework on it, if u still don't want the framework I'll suggest that you use another language for your coding, like C++ or even go back to VB6, where almost 99% of all computers have the runtime already installed
How can I redistribute the framework with the exe I am creating?

I want to install the framework right before I run my exe. Thanks.
I was wondering how to "complie" all my work form1.vb blah blah blah .. into just ONE *.exe ? i did that build sulition but it gave me two dll files and a pod file ? but all i want is just one exe... how do i get just one EXE to work on all computers ?
If you have a project that references other Dlls then you will need to deploy those dlls as well as the exe. There is no supported way of building the dll into the exe.