How to keep output window opened while debuging?


Aug 18, 2003
Hi, all.
I'm developing window app with C# using VS.NET.
When I debug app by pressing F5 and output using Debug.WriteLine(), I can't see the result since
the Output window disappears when the debug starts.

How can I keep the output window open while debugging?

And one more question..
In VB6, I can change code while debugging, and next line execution reflect the changes right away.
But, in C#.NET I could edit the code while debugging and stopped with Break point. However the changed code is not effect the execution.
Is there any way execution reflects the code changes in real time?

Thank you all..
mmmmmm, have you tried using the little button in one corner? I can't remember the name but there is one, that allows you to dock the window...
goodmorningsky said:

In VB6, I can change code while debugging, and next line execution reflect the changes right away.
But, in C#.NET I could edit the code while debugging and stopped with Break point. However the changed code is not effect the execution.
Is there any way execution reflects the code changes in real time?
This is not supported in VS.NET now, but it probably will in the next release.
Do you mean
both of the output window and real time code changing debugging will be supported in next release?

And what's next release, 2003 or next unleashed?

Thank you...
Thank you for response.
Let me clear..
I still don't find how to keep the output window opened while debugging since it disappear..

you means it's not possible now or it's possible now?

Go to View menu, then Other Windows, and click Ouput. The window should be visible now. If it gets hidden when debug starts, simply do the same thing to make it visible again,