how to install managed dx9


Oct 30, 2003
THe fallowing post is one that I made at

The Pentium Guy said:
whats the summer update?

THe summer update is just the new update release of dx9. you can download it at the direct x web site on msdn. (microsoft releases unfinished software ??? :mad: )

Make sure that if you don't install the full dx9 sdk but rather one of the partial language specific install(s) make sure to install like so ...

setup /installmanageddx

... I think that's that right command line parameter? the /installmanageddx argument will insure that managed dx will be installed along side unmanaged dx.

I don't know what the hell microsoft is thinking releasing dx9 without proper documentation. This is by far the worst support for software that I have ever seen microsoft release. They don't even tell people to use the /installmanageddx if you want to install the managed dx9 libraries. I had to look forever to find a msdn news/msg board post on how to properly install managed dx!

For shame microsoft, for shame! :(
It works fine for VS 2003, but not for VS 2002 (MS rarely supports old software, because they want you to update).

The non-managed documentation is more than complete. Look there if you need to know what something does.
wyrd said:
It works fine for VS 2003, but not for VS 2002 (MS rarely supports old software, because they want you to update).

The non-managed documentation is more than complete. Look there if you need to know what something does.

Yep I thought of that and have done that. but the issue still remains DX9 managed is the worst supported api to come from microsoft I have ever seen.