how to enable tabbing through the tabcontrol pages?


Aug 9, 2005
i thought one is supposed to be able to tab through the pages of a tab control, but apparently not.... tabbing only goes only through the elements on the first tabpage and then instead of going to the second tab page it jumps to the next control on the form.

i do have the numbering of all the tabstops in order, i also tried to put this in the constructor of the form:
Me.TabPage1.TabStop() = True
Me.TabPage2.TabStop() = True
Me.TabPage3.TabStop() = True

but still i am not able to tab through the pages of the tabcontrol, still only the first page is "tabbable". can someone help?
By windows convention, you do not "tab through tabs", you tab to the tab control's header and then use the navigation keys to go from tab to tab. If you had to tab through all tabs, there'd be no way of accessing things on the tabs (particularly in the middle).

Something you *might* be able to do *somewhere* is:
TCL.SelectedIndex = (TCL.SelectedIndex + 1) Mod TCL.TabCount

But, TabControls probably block all Tab messages anyway...
If a TabControl or any control within one if it's TabPages has focus then pressing Control+Tab will bring up the next tab. This is consistant with most tabbed interfaces.