Visual Basic:
Public Function CurrentTheme() As String
'Function to get the current Windows XP theme.
'Optional: You can use it to set different colors for each theme.
Dim key As RegistryKey
key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ThemeManager")
If key IsNot Nothing Then
If "1" = (key.GetValue("ThemeActive").ToString) Then
Dim s As String
s = (key.GetValue("ColorName")).ToString()
If s <> Nothing Then
If String.Compare(s, "NormalColor", True) = 0 Then CurrentTheme = "XPBlue" : Exit Function
If String.Compare(s, "HomeStead", True) = 0 Then CurrentTheme = "XPGreen" : Exit Function
If String.Compare(s, "Metallic", True) = 0 Then CurrentTheme = "XPSilver" : Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
CurrentTheme = "WindowsClassic"
End Function