How to create the ASPNet User


Junior Contributor
Dec 31, 1969
Orlando, FL
I have a Windows 2003 server that I want to run a Web Service on

The server doesn't have an ASPNet user on it, and therefor cannot access another subdirectory on the server, where it needs to read a file

I have given the Users, IUSER and IWAM permissions to the folder, but still can't read it. On another Windows 2003 server which does have this user, the program works fine when you give ASPNet read/write rights

The ASPNet user is simply not on the server, and installing the .Net environment and doing the Windows updates won't install it

Any ideas?
Windows Server 2003 does not use the "ASPNET" user account, as it runs by worker process isolation mode by default now. It uses the "Network Service" account instead, thereby increasing security and reliability.