I'm trying to declare a std::map that is keyed by a char and has a function pointer as a second parameter, these functions would be a member function of my class. But for some odd reason I cannot call the functions when extracted...
So, I have a class A as shown below, it contains a map as well as a function
Next I have main code that looks like this:
Now, I try to execute func by extracting it from the map and running the function:
I would assume this would launch function "func" as it is stored in the map, but instead it generates the following error message:
error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 0 arguments
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
So, I have a class A as shown below, it contains a map as well as a function
class A
map<char, void (A::*)(void)> mapA;
void func();
Next I have main code that looks like this:
A::A() // constructor
// Generate User Options
mapA['a'] = &A::func;
Now, I try to execute func by extracting it from the map and running the function:
map<char, void (A::*)(void)>::iterator it;
for ( it=mapA.begin() ; it != mapA.end(); it++ )
I would assume this would launch function "func" as it is stored in the map, but instead it generates the following error message:
error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 0 arguments
Any help would be greatly appreciated...