How to build a control able to manage dates?


Apr 16, 2004
Mexico City
Somebody knows an easy way to achieve build an edit box type control that allows dates to be entered?
Something similar to the DateTimePicker in Windows Forms but in web forms?

...except he wanted one for WebForms.

I can't help you with a control. I replied so that the thread didn't "die off" if someone thought it had been answered.

Arch4ngel said:
I don't know how to implement it but... I saw something really cool that look like a DateTimePicker.
It was on this Car Rental compagny. Maybe you could inspire their design or their functionnality.
why not use their code????

(when in doubt, "right-click | view source" )

Note: that this is a client side calendar. Not everything should be done on the server side!!!!
Ya right !
But I don't like to use others component.. especially if it's a compagny...
They got rights on this piece of code and... they might not like that you just... borrow them like this.

However... Only seeing something in action might get you more idea and maybe you'll be able to do a Server-Side calendar :p
Arch4ngel said:
Ya right !
But I don't like to use others component.. especially if it's a compagny...
They got rights on this piece of code and... they might not like that you just... borrow them like this.
A programmers best friend is Cut n' Paste. My computer science prof once said, "Laziness is an asset when it comes to programming." If a problem has been solved, don't solve it again. Do a search on some java script code sites and I bet you will find that their code is not original.

Arch4ngel said:
However... Only seeing something in action might get you more idea and maybe you'll be able to do a Server-Side calendar :p
Not everything should be server side. My opinion is this control should not be making calls back to the server each time the user changes the month or year. Now, you might make a server side control that sets up all this client side jscript. That makes alot of sense.
Yeah... I know that ! And I love coming back on that !! :p lol

But yes... it's better to use already made component... no test to do... no time wasted...

But it's more funny making your own... but sometime you don't have "time" for that.

I know that and I love seeing you hating me :p lollll