How do i draw my own toolbars and menu bars to be like this?

Winston said:
Hey guys how do u achieve the toolbar grippers and gradients and the fat menu items like the ones u have in IE

see attachment

Well, for the degrades, I could do it with a background picture, although you can use GDI+ do create gradients. Am sure you can find some good examples in or even in MSDN help guide...

Dude... you keep reading... read some deep knowledge base about GDI+ then put your fingers to work!
Beleave me that everything you see have to be drawn, in this case with GDI+.

After you really get conscience of this, you have 2 options:
1- Try to ownerdraw the .net toolbar.
2- Build your own toolbar control from scratch.

You choose... the only thing you really have to learn is how to draw! :)

Alex :p
Hmm, the VB Power Pack looks interesting.. I don't suppose anyone actually has a copy they could send through to me - the GotDotNet workspaces are down (again) so I can't even download the damn things.


I know how to draw Alex, but you see drawing the toolbar in some bits isnt exactly just drawing, the gradient isnt drawing its taken from the visual style if u realized.
Hi again...

Only controls that support visual styles (from the base OS) will sync the draw with the environment...
You can see, if you EnableVisualStyles for a sample application, that the look a ToolBar control gets from visual styles is way far from what you need...

So, I keep my way... there's only one way for you to do that... ownerdraw the toolbar control.
You can even detect what OS the application is running on, and display it different ways... Allways... drawing... sorry! :p

Alex :p