How can I install a .inf/driver automatically with my installer?


May 23, 2005
Basically, I have a hardware inf/dll that I need to install with my installation software (.net), how do I go about doing this?
Try Only!!!

Well, I suggest that you use Installshield, Setup Factory or Wise Installer...

I had used setup factory in previous projects in visual basic 6, and i'm not sure if there is a newer versions of Setup Factory supporting the .net platform...

I had also tried the Installshield, however i can't remember the version i had used. But I'm sure it supports the .net platform... But, I dont consider it as a programmer-friendly software....

About the wise installer, i heard this from a friend, well i guess it supports .net framework since that friend of mine uses C# and as his programming tool....
Hmmm.. I'm ok for using either one as long as they will deploy the .net framework automatically.

I'm currently using the MS plugin for the .net framework deployment. It's very clunkly. Lot's of clicking.