How can I develop a web application using Architecture and/n-Tier Architecture.?


Dec 25, 2003
:confused: What is 3Tier Architecture and/n-Tier Architecture?
How can I develop a web application using Architecture and/n-Tier Architecture.?
What is the benefit of using Architecture and/n-Tier Architecture?
Can u plz provide some Example source code of an application developed using these architectures.?

( Plz provide sample code)

This kind of programmation consist to free the interface from key code.
As an exemple... you don't make a sorting directly on a button click. You do a class that do that job and you call the corresponding function to do the job.

Really updatable. Really praised by company because it bring less fee.
The best way to describe this is to split up your application into layers that can be replaced without have to change the other layers. For example change the presentation/UI layer from a Windows Forms application to ASP.NET, or to change the Data layer from SQL to Oracle.

Usually there are 3 layers:
1. Presentation/UI: What the final user sees (eg Windows Forms, Web pages)
2. Business Rules: Usually Dlls that define certain rules and validate the data entered on the UI layer
3. Data Layer: Probably SQL Server and Stored Procedures that actually perform the retrieval, insertion and updates on the database.

You can have more layers though, I've heard of applications having 5 or 7 layers, (which I wouldn't recommend). Sometimes the borders of layers will blur a bit... you might find some data access stuff in the business rules... or some validation in the UI.