

Nov 18, 2003
I'm new to Visual Basic Programming and Asp.Net. I created a web page using in visual Basic and I have 7 fields on my page, Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone Number, and E-mail Address.
What I want to know is how can I get the information that is entered into those textboxes submitted back to me. Either via saving it into a file and/or sending it to me via e-mail. :confused:
What environment are you running the application on, shared hosting or your own intranet? You can usually use SMTP.
Robby said:
What environment are you running the application on, shared hosting or your own intranet? You can usually use SMTP.

I'm on my own intranet for right now, eventually I would like to put it out on the internet.
You can also put those information in a XML file. (WriteXml of DataSet)
Even an XML format if you don't have Access or SQL-Server (or your hosting don't give you those services).
You can then email you those information.

2 advantages :

-You've got your information structured
-You can send, all of them, to you to analyze or whatever you want...
-You could make a dynamic link to download the file on an administrative part of your web site. (Like a dynamic DB)
-This method is permitted by all hosting (hey... it's a file no ?)

3 disadvantages
-If there's a bunch of informations it could be long to send by mail
-Make sure that this file isn't in a shared directory
-Informations aren't compacted or crypted... they are plain text (can open with NotePad)
Try looking for XmlDocument under System.Xml.
It's there that you'll find how to do it.

After you have your file... just make a DataSet and ReadXml.

That's all you got to read your Data (well... you'll have to search a bit but... no effort no glory :D)