Help! Please! Urgent!


May 29, 2005
can anyone please help me?
(1) i need to do a keypress event as in when i type in something in a textbox and press the F1 button on the keyboard a new form will be pop out all the search results in datagrid format

(2) when i choose the data i desire & click the OK button, the full information will display accordingly to all the text boxes to the previous form

p.s: a picture of illustration is shown below.....

What, specifically, is the issue? If it is detecting the f1 key, you can do that with the KeyDown or KeyUp event. You can do it either for a specific control, or you can set the form's KeyPreview property to true, and handle the KeyDown or KeyUp event for the form, which will catch all keyboard input.

If the problem is communicating data between forms, then you should probably add some properties or functions to pass the data from one form to the other. Details can be found in the tutor's corner, here.

If the problem is something else, you will need to be more specific.
well, i needa search for the data i wan by entering some numbers(eg. 017)...then i will hav to press the F1 key to start the search this point the new form on the right will show out all the results with the numbers 017...i will choose the one that is correct then pass back all the data to the previous form(pic on left) & places accordingly to the places shown...