HELP!!!! I can't even start with directx programming.


Apr 24, 2005
I do programming stuffs in visual basic 6 and presently I am curious with dx programming...

Moreover, I have directx samples but I can't understand "WHY I CAN'T IMPORT MICROSOFT.DIRECTX and MICROSOFT.DIRECTX.DIRECTDRAW in visual 2003....

Please Teach..... I am just new in directx programming....

Thank you...........
I'm downloading the newest update right now, but I've already installed the SDK, and it is not listed when I try to add references. I opened an existing DirectX projects and it couldn't load the references either.
Marble_eater, it should work. Maybe for some reason Managed DirectX assemblies were not installed during your SDK installation. Try reinstalling it.
I have already. Several times. Release and debug as well as the original setup downloaded from microsoft.
marble_eater said:
I have already. Several times. Release and debug as well as the original setup downloaded from microsoft.

When you load the sample apps and expand the referances section what icons are around the Microsoft.DirectX assemblies. I had some problems loading some samples a while back as they referanced the wrong version of an assembly that I had loaded. I would re link the referances, by removing the links and Re adding the referances...
Install Directx Sdk

yes, i had install directx sdk, but my sdk isn't a new version, well i guess its version is directx sdk 2001, and on the dxdiag my version for directx is 9.0b....
Mykre said:
When you load the sample apps and expand the referances section what icons are around the Microsoft.DirectX assemblies. I had some problems loading some samples a while back as they referanced the wrong version of an assembly that I had loaded. I would re link the referances, by removing the links and Re adding the referances...

The problem is that no DirectX assemblies were listed in the Add Reference dialog and I couldn't find them on my hard drive, despite the fact that I installed it. All the references in the solution explorer had a /!\ icon. Installing the 2004 summer update fixed the prob.
The best thing to do is run a search on your computer. Search for *DirectX.dll and it should bring up the location of the .dlls. Then you can manually add them by going to Browse.
