Help! Datagrid vs Repeater vs HTMLTable


Feb 1, 2004
Alright - here's the deal: I'm trying to display information in a table on the page, but I'm not sure how to go about doing it. Basically, I've got to give the item #, the quantity, the cost, a markup percentage, and the resulting price. First off, there can be multiple quantities per item (to see the difference in creating one item as opposed to five). The cost is calculated at run-time, based on these quantities (it is then stored later in a database). The markup is defaulted at zero, but this has to be a textbox so that it's editable (the web form is meant only for the sales reps).
So, I tried creating a table to display this by hand - headers, textboxes, style, the whole gambit ... the only problem is that when it comes back to the page, all the rows in the table are gone! (The table is set to runat="server", btw)
Is there a way to do this with a repeater or datagrid by any chance? The faster the reply, the better ^_^

Sure, you can add textboxes in a template column, or you can add an edit button/link that will enable you to edit the field you want.