"Hello World" application takes 13MB of RAM?


Aug 8, 2004
Portugal / Barreiro
It seems 12 to 14MB of ram are always consumed by default, by any application created with VS.

I built a micro-desktop-IP-display application that is consuming 13MB of RAM. What the... 13MB to display an IP address? Is there a way to drop it at least to 1MB (while I think 1MB is still absurd for displaying a phrase, but better the 14!)?
There is a price to pay for apps using DotNet's comprehensive runtime environment and library. There are those who would argue that 13 megs is perfectly acceptable for a small app because "memory is cheap". I think it would be nicer to not use the memory when you don't need it.

If you want a tiny memory footprint, C++ or even VB6 could be the way to go.

As an interesting note, I was just looking at a discussion on SuperUser about full-featured media players with 5-10 meg footprints.

Edit: I just created a hello world app, removing all unnecessary references, and got a 7-meg mem usage at start with a release build.