Have you made DirectX games? Please Help! :)


Mar 4, 2003
Hi all,

We're working on a 3D adventure game with C++, visual basic .net and DirectX, and truespace5 as a modeler. We're learning the basics of modeling and animation pretty well. But we still need some detailed guides for getting an animated human character from trueSpace, into a directx game.

Right now, we especially need to know how to load multiple directx (.x) files that include character animation keyframes into a game. Then we need to be able to control each directx animation independently, to start and stop animation, and control each object's orientation and direction. Yes, we've been to msdn.com for the dx9 sdk. We've been experimenting with the mesh viewer and the other examples, no luck yet!

We have looked at several books on making DirectX games, but the ones we have found are not specific enough to explain detailed control of animations.

Is there anyone, *anyone* here who has made 3D game objects and could provide some ideas? Some web tutorials, books, other web forums, some advice? Please?