GUI Interface (Newbie)


May 10, 2004
Hi all,

I am relatively experienced with C#.NET but Managed DirectX coding is very new to me. As a first project I would like to create a GUI environment, similar to MS Windows, eg dialog boxes, scroll bars etc.

I am wondering if anyone could give me any clues as to where to get started? I have ordered Tom Miller's book but probably have about 2-4 weeks for it to arrive in the country. (Im finding it quite hard to locate useful resources on the net, guess it is still quite new)

How hard would it be to say create a rectangle on the screen and have the mouse interact with it for dragging? Resizing windows?

Thanks All
Machaira said:
You might want to check out the series of tutorials over at Start here

Thanks for the link Machaira. I just wish there were more tutorials with using DirectX with C#. Am finding it hard to port this code :(