Graphs for toolbar.


Junior Contributor
Sep 10, 2003
Burbank, CA
I am looking to use a graph in my project. Does anyone use graphs here and what did you use? I looked through the ToolBar .Net Framework Components and I did not see anything there. I am looking through COM Components. But if anyone can give me some advice, that would be appreciate.

Just a quick example of what I will use it for. I want Y to = Voltage and X = time. It will change when one test is done to different time for X for the next test so I will need to be able to change that.
Hi techman,

I recently downloaded a free graph utility called ZedGraph. I haven't had the opportunity to use it, but, as you can see (if you click the link) it's a fully supported GNU control.

Don't know how useful it will be for a toolbar, but all of the components are there for a standard graph. One option would be to prepare the graph using ZedGraph, take a snapshot of the image and use this on the toolbar by user drawing the tb control...
Actually I didn't explain myself well, my fault. I meant dragging a control from the toolbox to put on my form. It sounds like this may have that.