got some code almost done and I am having some trouble finishing it up.


Apr 22, 2003
trouble with Visual Basic

Visual Basic:
Dim vftornado As String
    Dim vstate As String
    Dim vcounty As String
    Dim vkilled As Integer
    Dim vinjured As Integer

    Dim vtinjured As Long
    Dim vtkilled As Long
    Dim fmtstr As String = "{0,-13}{1,-13}{2,12:n0}{3,10:p1}{4,12:n0}{5,10:p1}"
    Private Sub btnCompute_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCompute.Click
        FileOpen(1, "Tornado.txt", OpenMode.Input)

        Do Until EOF(1)
            Input(1, vftornado)
            vkilled = vftornado.Substring(24, 2)
            vinjured = vftornado.Substring(29, 3)
            vtinjured = vtinjured + vinjured
            vtkilled = vtkilled + vkilled
        lstout.Items.Add(String.Format(fmtstr, "State", "County", "Killed", "%Killed", "Injured", "%Injured"))

        FileOpen(1, "tornado.txt", OpenMode.Input)
        Do Until EOF(1)
            Input(1, vftornado)
            vkilled = vftornado.Substring(24, 2)
            vinjured = vftornado.Substring(29, 3)
            vstate = vftornado.Substring(0, 12)
            vcounty = vftornado.Substring(12, 11)
            lstout.Items.Add(String.Format(fmtstr, vstate, vcounty, vkilled, vtkilled, vinjured, vtinjured))

    End Sub
End Class
I just need to format the number for the the vkilled and vinjured and then format the percent for the vtkilled and vtinjured and I forgot how to do that. I attach the file of what I want my ressult to look like. I am really close I just need to finish it up and I am not sure how. and if you see something wrong in my code that won't make it look like the file please let me know. I know I am close just not sure what I really have to do. Thanks steve T


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