GoDaddy Download Help


Jan 18, 2004
Longview, TX [USA]
I uploaded a file onto one of my free Windows Hosting account on GoDaddy located at

The file is "FleetWhiz.iso", created for my partner in another part of the country, and it is 70 MB in size.

In a page labeled "Default.aspx" in a folder called "test", I placed a link to this file so my partner could right-click the file to save it to his PC.

The link in "test/Default.aspx" does not work. It says that the file was not found, even though FileZilla shows it sitting on my remote server.

Thinking ISO files might be suspect, I renamed it "FleetWhiz_iso" (with no extension), and updated my link accordingly.

Again, I get that there is no such file whenever I try to download it.

I contacted GoDaddy about this, and their response was a generic "can't help - why not purchase this package instead" answer(see quote below).

Does anyone know how to setup a GoDaddy site for file download? File downloads should be basic, and should not have to be configured, I'd think.

If it helps...
Here is the actual page:
Here is the file's location:

(Note: Due to quota restrictions, though, this file won't stay there for long.)

Any help is greatly appreciated.


GoDaddy said:
Thank you for contacting Online Support. I have tested your account and there are no errors I can see. It appears the site is not setup correctly to download the file. Unfortunately, this is custom coding. Unfortunately, we do not provide technical support with third-party scripting issues. We are very limited in the support we can offer for customer-written code or scripts. I would recommend looking into setting up an online file folder. You may view more information about Online File Folder at the following link:

• Online File Folder

Please let us know if we can help any other way.

Bryce P.
Online Support
[RESOLVED] GoDaddy Download Help

I may have come across the solution, though my understanding of it could be somewhat flawed. I invite someone that knows to point out what is really going on here.

I spent some time looking at a Blog on MSDN referenced here:

From what I was able to gleam, the default MIME type that Windows Servers use with the HttpContext object is "Text". The Windows Server attempts to interpret other file types based on that file's extension.

I looked up a list of HttpContext MIME types (Ref:, and noticed that ISO files do not have an entry.

My theory is that any attempt to download an ISO file from a Windows Hosted website will fail.

My understanding is that whenever I renamed the ISO file to have no extension, the Windows Server used the default file type of Text. Whenever I clicked on the [A HREF] link to download the file, the Windows Server was unable to locate the Text file - hence the message "File Not Found".

I could be wrong, and I am positive I am not 100% accurate.

I invite someone who knows a little more to give me/us the rest of the story.