I'm triing to make an HTML,PHP,ASP editor for myself. In the menu Edit, I add the menu 'Go to the line' . I try this code but it doesn't work. :
Thank you
I'm triing to make an HTML,PHP,ASP editor for myself. In the menu Edit, I add the menu 'Go to the line' . I try this code but it doesn't work. :
Visual Basic:
Private Sub MenuItem32_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem32.Click
Dim temp As String
temp = InputBox("Quelle ligne?", "ComCrack(Éditeur)")
If temp = "" Then
Exit Sub
ElseIf Not IsNumeric(temp) Then
MsgBox("La valeur n'est pas numérique.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "ComCrack(Éditeur)")
GoTo startMenuItem32
ElseIf Not Int(temp) = temp Then
MsgBox("La valeur n'est pas numérique.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "ComCrack(Éditeur)")
GoTo startMenuItem32
End If
Text1.SelectionStart = 0
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To temp
Text1.Find(vbCrLf, Text1.SelectionStart + 1, RichTextBoxFinds.MatchCase)
Thank you