global.asa and global.asax file?


Sep 27, 2003
I have two files in visual source safe one with global.asa
and the other global.asax,global.asax.res, global.asax.vb.

The global.asa contains the following:


' C.C. Financial Evaluation Model global.asa
' Copyright 2001 Zurich North America
' Corporate Customer

'You can add special event handlers in this file that will get run automatically when
'special Active Server Pages events occur. To create these handlers, just create a
'subroutine with a name from the list below that corresponds to the event you want to
'use. For example, to create an event handler for Session_OnStart, you would put the
'following code into this file (without the comments):

'Sub Session_OnStart
'**Put your code here
'End Sub

'EventName Description
'Session_OnStart Runs the first time a user runs any page in your application
'Session_OnEnd Runs when a user's session times out or quits your application
'Application_OnStart Runs once when the first page of your application is run for the first time by any user
'Application_OnEnd Runs once when the web server shuts down

Dim aDBParams()
Dim aEntParams()
Dim sRegSetting
Dim objRegRead
Dim nParamCnt
Dim nEntCnt
Dim nLoopCnt

Function ParseString (SubStrs, argSrcStr, Delimiter )

' Dimension variables:
ReDim SubStrs(0)
Dim CurPos
Dim NextPos
Dim DelLen
Dim nCount
Dim TStr
Dim SrcStr

' Add delimiters to start and end of string to make loop simpler:
SrcStr = Delimiter & SrcStr & Delimiter
' Calculate the delimiter length only once:
DelLen = Len(Delimiter)
' Initialize the count and position:
nCount = 0
CurPos = 1
NextPos = InStr(CurPos + DelLen, SrcStr, Delimiter)

' Loop searching for delimiters:
Do Until NextPos = 0
' Extract a sub-string:
TStr = Mid(SrcStr, CurPos + DelLen, NextPos - CurPos - DelLen)
' Increment the sub string counter:
nCount = nCount + 1
' Add room for the new sub-string in the array:
ReDim Preserve SubStrs(nCount)
' Put the sub-string in the array:
SubStrs(nCount) = Trim(TStr)
' Position to the last found delimiter:
CurPos = NextPos
' Find the next delimiter:
NextPos = InStr(CurPos + DelLen, SrcStr, Delimiter)

' Return the number of sub-strings found:
ParseString = nCount

End Function

' Use Application variables since they do not change from session to session
Sub application_OnStart()
Dim sDBParams()
Dim sEntParms()
Dim sRegSetting
Dim objRegRd
Dim nParmCnt
Dim nEntCnt
Dim nLoopCnt
' =========> ChannelZ Home page <=================
'Development Server
application("ChannelZSvr") = ""
'Staging Server
'application("ChannelZSvr") = ""
'Prod Server
'application("ChannelZSvr") = ""

' =========> IIS Home page <=================
'Dev Server
application("IISHomeURL") = ""
'Staging Server
'*application("IISHomeURL") = ""
'Prod Server
'*application("IISHomeURL") = ""

' =========> Enterprise Risk Home page <=================
'Dev Server
application("Ent_Risk_Home") = ""
'' application("Ent_Risk_Home") = "" Cutover

'Staging Server
'application("Ent_Risk_Home") = ""
'Prod Server
'application("Ent_Risk_Home") = ""

' =========> Enterprise Risk WEB Paths used by Financial Model <=================
'--> Applications Home Page
Application("applications_home_page_path") = "corporate_customer/applications"

'--> Financial Model directory structure
Application("financial_model_path") = "corporate_customer/applications/financial_evaluation_model"


' =========> Enterprise Risk Application Variables used by Financial Evaluation Model <=================
' =========> These are used by the reporting section <=================
' the following applications variables are initialized from the registry of the server
'DataBase Server Name = Application("Data Source")
'DataBase Name = Application("Initial Catalog")
'userid for reporting = Application("User Id")
'Password for reporting userid = Application("Password")
' see file regcom.reg for setup of registry entry

set objRegRead = server.CreateObject("ZUSER_FinMRdRegKy.clReadReg")
sRegSetting = objRegRead.ReadReg("ZUSER_FinM","Database","Connect")

nParamCnt = ParseString(aDBParams,sRegSetting,";")
for nLoopCnt = 1 to nParamCnt -1 step 1
nEntCnt = ParseString(aEntParams,aDBParams(nLoopCnt),"=")
if nEntCnt = 2 then
Application(aEntParams(1))= aEntParams(2)
end if

sRegSetting = objRegRead.ReadReg("ZUSER_FinM","Database","ReportsDSN")
set pobjRegRead = Nothing
nParamCnt = ParseString(aDBParams,sRegSetting,";")
for nLoopCnt = 1 to nParamCnt -1 step 1
nEntCnt = ParseString(aEntParams,aDBParams(nLoopCnt),"=")
if nEntCnt = 2 then
Application(aEntParams(1))= aEntParams(2)
end if

' =========> Domino Web servers <=================
'Dev Server
application("DominoHomeURL") = ""
'Staging Server
'application("DominoHomeURL") = ""
'Production Server
'application("DominoHomeURL") = ""


End Sub


and this is the global.asax.vb:


Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.SessionState
Imports clsRegistryRead
Public Class Global
Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication

#Region " Component Designer Generated Code "

Public Sub New()

'This call is required by the Component Designer.

'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call

End Sub

'Required by the Component Designer
Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer

'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Component Designer
'It can be modified using the Component Designer.
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()
components = New System.ComponentModel.Container()
End Sub

#End Region

Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' Fires when the application is started
Dim rReg As New clsRegistryRead.FinMod_RegistryReader()
Application("ConnectString") = rReg.GetCurrUserRegistryValue(".Default\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\ZUSER_FinM\Database", "Connect")
End Sub

Sub Session_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' Fires when the session is started
End Sub

Sub Application_BeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' Fires at the beginning of each request
End Sub

Sub Application_AuthenticateRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' Fires upon attempting to authenticate the use
End Sub

Sub Application_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' Fires when an error occurs
End Sub

Sub Session_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' Fires when the session ends
End Sub

Sub Application_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' Fires when the application ends
End Sub

End Class

Which one is being run when the default.asp page is being loaded?