Get information from a website


Junior Contributor
Feb 18, 2004
This is what I am interested in doing, but do not really know if it is possible or how to start. There is a website that has an online pricelist. The webpage has some text before the pricelist is presented. The price list is the set up in a table and has the fields:
Item Number, Item Name / Desc, Item price. How would I go about pulling just the information in the table into a dataset so that my asp application could use it?

Thanks, Chester
You could screen scrape, send a http request, receive the data in a stream, then use some regular expressions to get just the html table you want, then process each row at a time. Screen scraping is nasty
Well, I figured out some of it. I cn use a webclient and just put in the URL. Now what I would like to do is what you can do with IE and Excel. If a webpage has table you can right click it and click on export to Excel. I would like to be able to import just the table into my application.