Game of Nimb


Dec 12, 2003
Does anyone know where I can get the Source Code for the game of Nimb on C++. net. I want to make a console app. of the game. thanks
Wrong forum???? this is random thoughts, you can post almost anything here, also this forum is for .NET questions and he's asking for a C++ .NET source code.
I don't know if doing what you want to do is legal, but, have you tried to look for it in Google??? something like "Nimb source code"
It may work ;)
thanks I found some code through google, why would it not be legal? And what is .net by the way? For some reason I guess because it was .net I thought It applied to say visual and thats why I posted here.
Damn... why did I said wrong forum ?
I wished to say "wrong thread".

doro40282 : It's legal. But you were in the wrong thread. Random though is to everything that don't touch help with programmation.
Finding a source for a program..... Random Tought ! :)
Geez Arch4ngel, I think you too should stop drinking beer :D
BTW thanks for explaining where is located Longueuil