Fully Understanding Deployment


Jan 12, 2003
Ok, I have finally started to get this down. I have all the options set, and everything seems to work in having VS.NET set up an install wizard for the user. It all seems to be pretty unambiguous EXCEPT getting an automatic uninstall to work.

This is what I need to achieve:

1) First previous versions of my software are removed automatically by setup
2) Then the installallation begins....
3) The program installs

Seems easy right? But I dont get it, and its really confusing.

Ok, the first way I tried was

a) I edited the assembly file and changed the version.....didnt work. It said that I have to uninstall the software from the control panel first.

b) I generate a new Product Code (that unique number) on the installer....doesnt work....still has problems unintstalling automatically.

Thats what I have tried.

I need the thing to auto uninstall all previous versions of my software and then install the new one. The user shouldnt have to go to the control panel. How on earth do i accomplish this?

Do I need to edit the assembly file, the product code, AND the upgrade code?

Isnt that redundant. The upgrade code also has a caution saying that it shouldnt be changed after the first version. I figured changing the product code would do the trick, but it didnt work. I am really frustrated by this.
If you click on the setup project in the solution explorer, there is a property called RemovePreviousVersions in the properties window. I haven't tried this out, but from reading its description, it looks like this is what will do what you want.