Framework 2.0 Hosts for Developers


Jan 18, 2004
Longview, TX [USA]
I am looking for a new company to host my site. My current company "uplink earth" is bad. They do not have anyone on staff that knows how to answer technical questions, they have no one that can answer coding questions, and they don't even know what ASP.NET 2.0 is (much less when it will be implimented).

All I want is a personal website where I can practice new techniques using ASP.NET, C#, SQL, etc. I already have my own domain name, and I would like to be able to experiment with things like ecommerce solutions at some point.

Could I have some feedback from some of you out there that have ISP Hosts that you are particularly proud of? What is the yearly price? Why are you proud of them? Are there any to aviod? ...besides the one I already have, of course. is a good one.
they are good cost wise too.
$120 a year I believe - can't remember how much I paid them, but I am almost positive that is what it was.
Let me know if you decide to use them so I can get credit for it (if you don't mind) they have a referral program that pays out money too.
I've been doing a little searching, and there appear to be a LOT of Web Hosts out there. I'm still trying to ballance the good and bad points of each of them. If I decide to go your route, I'll certainly be in touch so you can have the referral.