Forms Disappearing and only reappear when I click on them in the task bar.


Jul 31, 2003
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
I am having trouble with a form keeping focus. My application downloads data from the internet. When it tries to access the interent Norton's Firewall pops up and asks if it is okay to access the internet. When I click yes on Nortons, my application disappears and I have to click on it in the Task Bar to redisplay it. If I turn off the firewall my application works like it should. I have tried setting the TopMost property to true and this does not fix the problem. Does anyone have any ideas on how to keep my application from "disappearing"?
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Forms Disappearing and only reappear when I click on them in the task bar. - FIXED

Fixed it. I had the form border style sent to FixedToolWindow. For some reason that is what was causing the form to disappear.