form or report??


Junior Contributor
Nov 9, 2004
Hi, I am looking for a bit of advice. I have a simple Access database that holds a range of information and a number of .jpg files that are named the same as the ID value in the Access db table. What I want to be able to do is print a report or form that displays the information from the db and the relavent image and print on 1 page.

There will be a number of entries in the db table so it has to do this for all, so it will need to be some sort of batch / looping process.

I need a bit of guidance on the best way to proceed with this problem. I am using Visual Studio 2003 and writing in VB.Net.

Thanks in advance


Quick question - does your DB store the images themselves or just a link to the image? If you're storing the images, and you're going to be running this across a network, I would recommend a more stable datasource...

Access has a maximum limit of 2GB and starts to become unpredicatable after about 1.5GB. Sometimes, even the smallest network hiccup can cause problems that you wont see for weeks or months, and when you do see them, it's usually too late. If you're going to be storing images within the database you stand a great chance of loosing them.....

Call me a pessimist, but, been there and got the t-shirt!
