form design to allow entry of unlimited num of records? need help


Junior Contributor
Nov 10, 2003
im designing a form to allow me to enter an unlimited number of records into a table. the number of records will never be more than 10 or so but it would suit the design better if i could enter as many as i wanted. heres the details:

i have a customer table.
a customer can have 1 or many visits to a resort.
i want to come up with a solution to allow me to create a form to input all a customers visits.
i dont want to limit myself by using text boxes as then im limited to the number of visits i can enter by how many text boxes i have.
i suppose i could use a datagrid but what i want to know is can i have a button on a form that adds a row to a datagrid as i need it? can anyone think of a better way to get around this problem?