Focus on control


Jul 30, 2003
Ames, IA, USA
Ok everybody...this should be an easy one, but it is escaping me; so once again I turn to all of you experts for some quick help.

I have a very simple problem. When my web page loads, I need to have the focus set on the control with tab index = 1. I have tried to find methods to do this, but I cannot find any way to start the form with that control in focus. Of course once the user clicked on that control the rest of the tab orders are in the proper order, it is just starting in the initial box that is not working. Of course a simple press of the tab once or twice will also bring that control into focus, but our manager is harping heavily on ease of use of our web pages, so this is a must do. If anyone knows how to accomplish this, let me know...

eramgarden said:
cant u do it with setFocus and JavaScript?


Thanks for the info. I looked into this and you are absolutely correct. I found a website that showed exactly how to do it (like you said) HERE

Thanks for getting me on the right track! I was stuck thinking about the stupid tab order!

Have a great weekend!