I'm useing this code:
It's main role is to role "some text" till it gone out of picturebox1 and then show it at the next edge. This code works fine, but it's flashing... Is there any way to make it role fluently... I've tried with qualitymode, but it didn't helped... any ideas would be great...
thanks for help... Piotrek
Private Sub TimerCi±g³e_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TimerCi±g³e.Tick
Dim g As Graphics = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics()
Dim Brusz As Brush = New SolidBrush(PictureBox1.ForeColor)
NotCi±g³ePosuw = NotCi±g³ePosuw - 2
LabW.Text = NotCi±g³eStream
If NotCi±g³ePosuw < -LabW.Width Then NotCi±g³ePosuw = PictureBox1.Width : NotCi±g³eStream = "some text"
g.DrawString(NotCi±g³eStream, LabW.Font, Brusz, NotCi±g³ePosuw, 2))
End Sub
It's main role is to role "some text" till it gone out of picturebox1 and then show it at the next edge. This code works fine, but it's flashing... Is there any way to make it role fluently... I've tried with qualitymode, but it didn't helped... any ideas would be great...
thanks for help... Piotrek