file upload to server in


Junior Contributor
Nov 10, 2003
hi. mentioned this prob a yesterday, in relation to old asp , but i think from looking around i would be better to do it in now, the task is to allow people to update their little part of my site themselves, through asp. i want them to be able to upload jpeg's , but limit the size of the images they can add. the files will be uploaded to the server, an path leading to them will be stored in a DB , and this will be called to display them to a web page. can anyone explain the steps to uploading a file from a pc , to a server, in .net ( il be using c sharp). thanks all
thank you very much.i will prob end up using this method on code project, but first , i would kinda like to go the long way around and use c# , and rather than simply use a method like UploadFile(lodation, Destination) , or whateverit is, i would like attempt to create this method myself in c#, for educational purposes. anyone got any info on how , step by step, a file would be uploaded from my pc to a server?or how i would go about this in c#